In forex trading system is no sense meant by forex rebate. Meaning it side by side with an explanation of the program Introducing Broker (IB) Forex equally stated both. At the beginning let tekuni istlah in forex, forex IB does it and what the relationship with forex rebate.
Pips is a sense that most beginners in the forex world, not unless the pips forex rebate also affect calculations. Pips stands for percentage in points or in Indonesian is four digits behind the comma or a period of dollar-denominated. Pips are calculated based on the difference that is apparent from the opening until the closing of transactions daily. For example the load time of the transaction value of the currency is on the 1 456 and then when the closure is in figure 1. 489, so on that day there was increase in 33 pips. The main terms after it is called a standard lot size per transaction. While the spread is earned income broker where saar trader or trading sell customers, so the broker to buy it, and vice versa.

IB programs or commonly known as referral or agent is one of the steps to be marketing to the broker. Hence there are forex IB program is used also as a tool to provide recommendations on the broker and the client so that the client knows investing its forex trading broker to the introduction of it. If the client is on offer through the IB program to join then trades in the forex broker and claimed to be customers, so efforts IB as well as marketing broker obtaining interesting results. The results of his efforts IB attract customers to a broker to get paid on a commission basis. Beyond that IB also earn a commission from each trade carried out by the trader or client or the client.
Rebate In Forex Trading
Commission of the broker who then obtained by the IB and the client who later named forex rebate. Rebate forex namely commission for the results obtained by the IB and then divided again on the client. To illustrate gained acceptance forex rebate, described as follows:
- Client close of trading at brokerage A
- Broker A gave the commission an example 2 Pip to IB
- IB gave 1.70 Pip rebate to client
Many have mentioned that forex rebate is not worth, in other words, can not produce anything. It was because of the lack of results obtained from the rebate trading. But if they want to be considered carefully by the way, the client may gain more profit rebate. Because when the client collects entirely forex rebate he gets to a certain time, so results can be obtained from the same rebate as well with trading revenue per transaction.
There are many advantages of forex rebate for this client, one client earn additional commissions earned from IB coming from the trading process that does. Beyond that, the rebate will continue the road and the increasingly perceived outcome that many do commission for opening and closing the transaction. Rebate forex also continue to be paid to client trades despite the inclusion of lost or won, because the client will always rebate commissions paid even though the client in a position of losing the disbursement of funds.
The division consists forex rebate into two types. The first type is the rebate for the stock. At stake rebate, clients will receive a commission rebate forex gains amounting to half (1/2) of the amount of currency related spred. Being for both the type of rebate for gold jewelry, metals, and oil. Distribution of forex rebate in this sort of thing is given a commission of 10% of the spread.
There is another opinion that says what is called a forex rebate. Rebate or rebates meaningful change. Thus, forex rebate is a return fee of the broker for some of the client or customer or trader of the difference it has spread. Generally pengebalian or administration of this forex rebate lasts one round takes place after the one round of the opening and closing of the transaction. The division rebate from the brokers on the client is also given at the end of the month. as well as additional commissions on trading businesses are always enhanced by several clients. Simply, this is the provision of forex rebate obtained additional commission from the broker on the trader or client for his efforts to wake up the transaction as much as possible to minimize the difference in spreads owned.
Then it was seen back in the other assumptions that are pieces of forex rebate rebates and cashback forex forex broker prepared by the trader or client for his efforts mengembangkn daily trading to gain pips as well as the addition of more and more margin. No commission is therefore desirable forex traders are more motivated to work.
It turns playing forex trading is exciting insofar as we have always to protect trading capital market or the investment and trading that we raise themselves. Strive not to lose because we will probably make the difference in spread greater distances. If the street trading without any monitoring of traders, brokers possibility contents on trading commissions that you do with a rise in very mini. The point is to work the necessary determination and strength, its the same thing to learn trading, origin want to try and mempeajarinya, more evocative keasikan trading game currency calculated permaian meaningless.
In this forex rebate or the result of division that are derived from and is intended for trading mainly three components namely brokers, IB and the client or trader. These three components must always walk appropriate because the payment of forex rebate will be paid by way of a whole earned each round of open trading start until close of trading.